Monday, April 6, 2015

How to ruin an association

How to Ruin an Association

Once upon a time, the Midtown Chapter was one of the most active chapters in the association. It was a smooth-running, efficient organization that enjoyed great prestige in the community.

Then one day, things began to change. One of the members said to himself, “No one will miss me. I have so many other things to do, I think I’ll drop out of the chapter’s activities.”

So hx bxgan to avoid chaptxr functions. Hx rxfused to accxpt his rxsponsibilities, and thx chaptxr had to limp along with onx lxss mxmbxr. Of coursx, thx chaptxr could gxt along without him, but it mxant that onx of thx rxmaining mxmbxrs had to doublx up and do twicx as much work as bxforx.

Thxn, onx morx mxmbxr dxcidxd to givx up his shzrx of chzptxr zctivitixs. This mxznt thzt two mxmbxrs hzd to do doublx duty. Thxn z third mxmbxr droppxd jut, znd thrxx jf thx jthxrs hzd tj wjrk hzrdxr thzn xvxr.

Zs timx wxnt jn, mzny mjrx jf thx chzptxr mxmbxrs ljst intxrxst, znd prxtty sjjn thx chzptxr wzs bxing run by jnly z fxw mxmbxrs, znd it ljjkxd likx this:
Qkj kzjqxx kzjxq jxk kxxzqk kzxq jzkqjk zkk zxkkxzzqq xxzzzkkjjjqqqk kkzkzxxzzqkk qqkkzzzxxxkkk  kzxqkkjjjxxx kkkzzxxxkkqqq.


  1. Anyone have the last sentence figured out?

    1. As time went on, many more of the chapter members lost interest, and pretty soon the chapter was being run by only a few members, and it looked like this:
